In Loving Memory

CH Autumn Chips Ahoy of Titian CGC RN – “Chip”

chips ahoy of titian at 4 years

“Winnie” – CH Titian’s Gone With The Win – April 2002 to March 2017

“Robbie” – GCH Autumn Ice Castles – Nov 2004 to April 2016

“Logan” – March 2013 – June 2015

Logan - March 2013 - June 2015Logan - March 2013 - June 2015 Logan was such a joy to me. I’ll never forget flying him home from Utah first class, how he’d jump 5 feet in the air for a treat, how he’d run like a gazelle, how he’d “talk” with me when he wanted me to get up and give him breakfast, or the many times I flew him as a young pup to Palm Springs under my seat. It’ll be quite some time before I’ll be able to fix that trim around the kitchen door that he chewed. Logan was only 2 1/2 years old when he passed away from pancreatitis. He was taken too soon and will be missed! He was the best dog anyone could wish for.

“Crystal” – Weathermans Ice Storm – Dec 2002 to Feb 2014

“Misty” – Bayhill’s Autumn Mist – May 1991 to August 2006

Misty - Bayhills Autumn Mist CGCMisty was the perfect companion. She was always the reliable, steady force in Marissa’s life. She was always great with the neighbor kids and was a terrific mother to her puppies as well as to other puppies. When it was her time to go it came very abruptly, we didn’t have very much time to say goodbye. When that dreadful day came, she gave us the strength to do what we knew we had to do and end her suffering. She had a long and good life and is in our hearts forever. We love you eternally Misty and we will see you again at the bridge.

“Marty” – CH Donka Magic Master – August 1988 to June 2003

Marty - CH Donkas Magic MasterMarty was my first dog to finish his Championship and was a very special part of my life. He came to me when he was nearly seven years old and we finished him before he was nine. He followed me everywhere and helped get me through the loss of Lacey. He was the sweetest boy and loved to cuddle. He was always my “happy boy”. I had many “firsts” with Marty, some were great and some were heartbreaking, like helping him to the bridge. I miss him everyday, but know he has the loyalty to be waiting for me. We will love you forever Marty.

“Lacey” – Jesters Autumn Lace – July 1995 to December 1998

Lacey - Jesters Autumn LaceLacey was my first Papillon and showed me how charming they can be. Her life was cut tragically short by health issues at the age of three. She was my constant companion during her short life. I was extremely lucky to have such a wonderful dog in my life even if it was just for a short time. I will always treasure the time we had together and know we will see each other again. She is waiting patiently for us at the bridge. We love and miss you every day Lacey.

“Brandy” – Shadows Brand – April 1978 to December 1980

Brandy, Shadows BrandBrandy came to me during a transitional time in my life. Unfortunately, he had a hard time making that transition with me and his life ended prematurely in tragedy. I think of him often and know he is waiting at the bridge for me to continue our legacy. Brandy, I am sorry for the pain I caused you in this life and hope to make it up to you in the next. I miss you Brandy, and am looking forward to seeing you at the bridge.